Wednesday 11 April 2012


1) Describe the Assignment?

The assignment for Weebly was to create a Professional Online Portfolio that teachers can use as a page where people see how is the teacher they want to research about. We were assigned to create pages like About me pages, Skills and Awards, Education, Hobbies and interest, and etc. 

2) What are the benefits of having an online portfolio?

The benefits of an online portfolio is that it is made intentionally for Employers to look at to see the person who they're going to hire. I think it is a huge advantage for people to have because having a resume takes a lot of money because of constant changes and new information to input, but with an online portfolio it is easy to edit and easy for employers to see. Tip: Change your facebook account.

3) What are the features you liked about the weebly site?

I liked how we can create pages for certain topics we want to separate from other information so that it is more organized and easy to access information for employers really want to see. I also liked the features of certain options we can choose from like dragging options to our pages like titles, paragraphs, photos, videos, links, and others. The title on the top of the page is pretty cool too. It is easy for people to use to design and we can also add different thematic photos for our page. 

4) What were the challenges? 

There is only one challenge from this is and that is to publish. At first I was confused how to publish and didn't really know what to do until I asked a classmate it became clear and easy to use. I think people should type what they want first in Microsoft word and then copy and paste it to the site because there is no grammar check in this site and grammar is a huge issue in general around the world. 

5) How would you use Weebly in your future Classroom?

I would use the weebly site to use for my students to use so they can get to know more in a professional level and assure them they're in good hands. I would also use this for student's parents. I believe that this weebly is better than blogger, but weebly is limited and not free. I think in the future they'll start charging people more than it is actually worth. Blogger is free and easy to use.