Wednesday 29 February 2012


1) Talk about the project concept and/ or how you chose the topic for this project.

The way My partner and I chose our topic was based on the learning necessities of students these days. Nouns was a broad subject to discuss. So, My partner and I came up with a way to introduce the topic of what makes a noun.

2) Why did you choose this topic? What is the learning outcome or purpose of your Web Quest?

We chose this topic because Nouns are really important in learning Language Arts. Teachers and student at times forget that nouns is what makes the whole part of any language complete. The learning outcome is to illustrate and identify different types of nouns. 

3) In what way will this Web Quest improve your students learning?

Web Quest improves the method of E-Learning where students can take their learning in their own hands with the help of technology. As the internet and computers have helped us with our learning needs. Web quest will further the knowledge and as well as assess students knowledge to be better learners in the future.

4) What did you think was the most important lesson you learned from this activity?

The most important lesson I learned from this activity is another way of finding resources in lesson planning that we lack knowledge off. It is a great way of finding approaches in teaching students in a new subject that the teacher wants to teach to their class. Web Quest is also a great site where it gives a template of how to make a lesson plan. It is also great for parents to get involved in their children's studies. 

5) What did you like or dislike about the software or web-based online tool you used?

I liked everything, except the assessment portion because rubrics are not the only way of assessing students. It was limited, but it is good because it is a free software. I want to see evaluation programs that could be installed in the web quest with selective answers to choose from.

6) What would you do differently next time you do this activity and/or use this tool?

I would use better resources experiment with different sites that can be integrated with the webquest site that further enhance the lesson planning and the learning of the students.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

3 Week 4 Feb 2-8

The assignment of this site is really great. I actually would use this program like I said in my forum response in the ED 480 Technology Education Forum. The assignment was fun because it was easy to use and didn't have to go to other sites to find layouts like what i used to do when I had a myspace page. This site would help me as a teacher to get connected with parents more often than possible and also keep parents aware of their children's progress. It is a better way to post a newsletter because what I have seen in my other class they had to print out pages of all the things that could be posted online. I think that it would save parents the time to be updated with their children's work without the hassle of going to school and looking at their work or the thoughts of their children not learning and blaming the teacher. I would rate this site a 10/10 because it is free and easy to use. The layout, background, and etc. was very interactive and the process of additional links made it more fun and easier place for people to find more sources.

Week 2 Jan/26-Feb 1/ 2012

The Wordle program we used was really helpful. I actually used it as one of my lesson plans and projects as well. It is a useful program to get students interacted with new words and vocabulary. It can also be a assessment tool to show the class as a whole on which words are students struggling in and not let the students feel ashame of their answers. I would grade the Wordle program to be a 10/10.

The other program I want to talk about is the program because it is a great way to create concept maps. It is free and very manipulative to use in other lesson plans that the teacher wants to use to teach their students. I would rate this site as a 8/10 due to the fact that I struggled a bit in saving my files had to convert it to the art program that fits my computer.

Week 1 Jan/19-25/2012

Week 1 Jan/19-25/2012

In the first day in the class of ED 480 Technology Education we did introductions in the class with the internet site called "" I rate it to be 10/10 because it has a software that is free and people could use time lines to differentiate events.

Skills Assessment

I believe that I am very skilled in most of the microsoft program instead of Excel and Powerpoint. I want to learn more about how to use those word processors.

In the class I finally understood the concept of moodle the online site where we do our assignments and forums, I believe it is very easy to use now and it saves a lot of time and money to go print out our work or sent it to the instructor. Now we as students can read each others post and relate to one another.